1: Quinoa - Nutrient-rich superfood with high fiber, magnesium, and iron content.

2: Spinach - Leafy green loaded with fiber, magnesium, and iron for overall health.

3: Chia seeds - Tiny seeds packed with fiber, magnesium, and iron benefits.

4: Lentils - Protein-packed legumes rich in fiber, magnesium, and iron.

5: Avocado - Creamy fruit containing fiber, magnesium, and iron for optimal health.

6: Almonds - Nuts with high fiber, magnesium, and iron for a nutritious snack.

7: Sweet potatoes - Root vegetable rich in fiber, magnesium, and iron for wellness.

8: Dark chocolate - Indulgent treat with fiber, magnesium, and iron perks.

9: Flaxseed - Superfood containing fiber, magnesium, and iron for a healthy diet.